9th May 1979. Definitive.
Designer: Walter Simms. Printer: Guernsey Herald Ltd. Lithography in sheets of 15 (3 rows of 5). Perf.: Rouletted 5.
Number Printed: 10,500. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
Black and red. LMS Class 4 0-6-0.
21st November 1979. Christmas.
Designer and Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse. Lithography in sheets of 10 (5 rows of 2). Perf.: Rouletted 10.
Number Printed: 6,600. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
Black and red. LMS Class 4 0-6-0 and Father Christmas with barrow.
12th March 1980. Locomotive Restoration.
Designer and Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse. Lithography in sheets of 10 (5 rows of 2). Perf.: Rouletted 10.
Number Printed: 6,600, up to 3,000 of which were later surcharged. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
15p + 10p
Black and red. L. & Y. 0-6-0T No. 752.
9th July 1980. Branwell Brontė.
Designer: Robin Higgins from a portrait by an unknown artist. Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse.
Lithography in sheets of 10 (5 rows of 2). Perf.: Rouletted 10.
Number Printed: 6,600 of each printing. Number of First Day Covers: 1st Printing 70 PHQ cards; 2nd printing 1,300.
Black and yellow green. Bramwell Brontė.
Black and dull green. Branwell Brontė.
The 1st printing was incorrectly inscribed Bramwell Brontė, and most copies were destroyed, necessitating a second
replacement printing.
19th November 1980. Christmas.
Designer: Robin Higgins. Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse. Lithography in sheets of 10 (5 rows of 2).
Perf.: Rouletted 10. Number Printed: 5,000. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
Black and red. Christmas Carols at Keighley Station.
21st April 1981. Bishop Eric Treacy.
Designer: Robin Higgins. Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse. Lithography in sheets of 20 (5 rows of 4).
Perf.: 11. Number Printed: 7,000 of each stamp for each printing. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
Purple and black. Eric Treacy and LMS Patriot Class 4-6-0 No. 45525.
Purple and black. Eric Treacy and Keighley Parish Church.
Purple and black. Eric Treacy and BR Class 9F 2-10-0 No. 92220 Evening Star.
Purple and black. Eric Treacy and Eric Treacy Memorial Hall, Wakefield Cathedral.
Maxi card of the LMS Patriot Class stamp.
Maxi card of the Eric Treacy Memorial Hall stamp.
Two printings were made, the first printing was sub-standard and most sheets destroyed, necessitating a second replacement printing.
18th May 1981. 752 Centenary.
Issue of 12th March 1980 surcharged in black. Number Printed: Up to 3,000. Number of First Day Covers: 1,000.
20p + 10p on 15p + 10p
Black and red. L. & Y. 0-6-0T No. 752.
Three varieties of overprint exist. Two have a square obliteration block, one with a square fronted base to the figure '2' and a
thinner letter 'p' and the other a round fronted base to the figure '2'. The third variety has a rectangular obliteration block.
19th September 1982. Centenary of the Birth of O.V.S. Bulleid. Joint Issue with the Keighley
& Worth Valley Railway.
Designer and Printer: Larkfield Printing Co. Ltd., Brighouse from artwork by Worth Valley Railway.
Lithography in sheets of 20 (5 rows of 4). Perf.: Rough ll. Number Printed: 4000. Number of First Day Covers:
2000 (1000 by each company).
Sheets are known with perfs omitted to the left of the first column of stamps, with misaligned perfs, and with
colour shifts. They were printed on two types of paper, white and a creamier shade.
Red, green and black. Shield and S.R. West Country Class 4-6-2 No. 21C123 Blackmore Vale.